It is the mission of JSE e-Learning Campus Library to assist the institution in achieving its mission by providing vital and relevant information to meet the academic and research demands of all its stakeholders.
NCU Online Library
Summary: Participants of the J.S.E. e-Campus have access to the online tools of The Northern Caribbean University online Libray.
EBSCO Publishing's Databases
- Business Source Corporate
- Risk Management Reference Center
- EconLit with Full Text
- Business Book Summaries
- eBook/audioBook Corporate
Summary: The Encyclopaedia Britannica is a general knowledge English-language encyclopaedia that is written and continuously updated by about 100 full-time editors and more than 4,000 expert contributors. It is regarded as one of the most scholarly of encyclopaedias.
International Financial Magazines & News
Summary: This is a collection of various international print media websites.
Local and Regional Financial News
Summary: This is a collection of the local and regional print media.
Module 1 Courses
- Foundation Unit
- Credit Risk Management
- Treasury Risk Management
- Financial Planning and Wealth Management
Module 2 Courses
- Global Capital Markets and Financial Tools
- Market Risk and Middle Office Management
- Understanding & Interpreting Jamaica's Financial Regulations & Law
- Compliance, Ethics and Corporate Governance
Module 3 Courses
- Mergers, Acquisitions and Privatization
- Strategic Portfolio Management
- Corporate Structures and Procedures
- International Bond & Debt market
- Mastering Financial Negotiations
Exam Papers For Courses
Oxford Dictionary
Summary: The Oxford English Dictionary (OED)is the self-styled premier dictionary of the English language.
Recommended Course text
Summary: These text which are for some of the courses that are offered the Jamaica Stock Exchange e-Learning Campus.
Regional and Major Stock Exchanges
Summary: A list of some of the major regional and international stock exchange websites.
World Cat Database
Summary: WorldCat is a union catalog which itemizes the collections of 72,000 libraries in 170 countries and territories which participate in the Online Computer Library Center (OCLC) global cooperative. It is built and maintained collectively by the participating libraries.